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These are the some of our key policies that cover many aspects of school life and that parents/ staff might want to consult. If you would like a paper copy of any policy or information from our website, pleaseĀ  ask at the office.

Acceptable Use and ICT Policy View PDF →
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy View PDF →
Anti-Bullying Policy View PDF →
Attendance Policy View PDF →
Relationship Approach to Positive Behaviour Policy View PDF →
Charging and Remissions Policy View PDF →
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy View PDF →
First Aid Policy View PDF →
Guidance for Safer Working Practice View PDF →
Health and Safety Policy View PDF →
Looked After Children Policy View PDF →
Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1 View PDF →
Manual Handling at Work Guide View PDF →
Pupil Mental Health and Wellbeing View PDF →
Keeping Children Safe in Education View PDF →
Code of Conduct Policy View PDF →
Complaints Procedures View PDF →
Data Protection Policy View PDF →
Educational Visits View PDF →
Educational Visits Local Learning Area Policy View PDF →
Equality Statement View PDF →
Guidance for Safer Working Practices with Children 2022 View PDF →
Health and Relationships Education Policy View PDF →
Health and Safety Policy View PDF →
Infection Control Policy View PDF →
Intimate Care and Toileting Policy View PDF →
Lettings Policy View PDF →
Menopause Policy View PDF →
Privacy Notice Pupils View PDF →
Privacy Notice School Workforce View PDF →
2023 SEND Policy View PDF →
2023 SEND Information Report View PDF →
Smoking Free Policy View PDF →
Social Networking and Media Sites Policy View PDF →
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy View PDF →
Volunteers' Policy View PDF →
Whistleblowing Policy View PDF →