Legal Framework
The Equality Act 2010 sets out specific duties that require public bodies to: publish information to show their compliance with the Equality Duty, at least annually; and set and publish equality objectives, at least every four years.
- We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010.
- We welcome our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 to promote community cohesion.
- We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
We uphold the three aims of the Equality Duty, which are to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act;
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it;
- foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Protected Characteristics
The protected characteristics covered by the Equality Duty are:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership (but only in respect of eliminating unlawful discrimination)
- pregnancy and maternity
- race – this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality
- religion or belief – this includes lack of belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Our Equality Ethos
As part of providing equal opportunities for all, we aim to be equitable and not equal at Willow Lane CP School. Equity is about giving people what they need in order to make things fair. This is not the same as equality, nor is it the same as inequality. It is simply giving more to those who need it, which is proportionate to their own circumstances, in order to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities. We strive to look at all areas of our school and make sure that our children get what they need in order to thrive and make progress. We work closely as a staff team to meet the needs of our children and support the needs of our staff and families.
Roles and Responsibilities
The governing body and Leadership team are committed to equal opportunities and will continue to ensure that The Willow Tree Federation complies with all current equality legislation.
- The Headteacher will ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out.
- The Headteacher has day to day responsibility for ensuring the Equality Duties are adhered to
- All staff are responsible for ensuring all children are treated fairly, equitably and with respect; using resources and teaching strategies that reflect and value the diversity of pupils’ experiences and provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience, challenging stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in and around the school.
- All members of the school community have a responsibility to treat each other with respect, to feel valued, and to speak out if they witness or are subject to inappropriate language or behaviour.
Developing Best Practice
We aim to give all members of the Willow Tree Federation equal opportunities through:
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- The School Environment
- Extended Learning Opportunities
- Staff development and Recruitment
- Partnerships with Families and the Wider Community
- Links with other agencies or clubs
- Policies and Procedures
- Governance
Teaching and Learning
At Willow Lane we:
- Provide equality of access for all pupils and prepare them for life in a diverse society
- Use materials that reflect a range of cultural backgrounds, without stereotyping
- Promote attitudes and values that will challenge discriminatory behaviour
- Provide opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and religions and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
- Use a range of sensitive teaching strategies when teaching about different cultural and religious traditions
- Ensure that the whole curriculum covers issues of equality and diversity
- Seek to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education
- Provide educational visits and extended learning opportunities that involve all pupil groups
- Take account of the performance of all pupils when planning for future learning and setting challenging targets and learning around there needs to ensure equity
- Identify resources and training that support staff development
Learning Environment
- There is a consistently high expectation of all children regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age or any other recognised area of discrimination.
- All pupils are encouraged to improve on their own achievements and not to measure themselves against others. Parents are also encouraged to view their own children’s achievements in this light.
Teacher enthusiasm is a vital factor in achieving a high level of motivation and good results from all children. - Adults in the school provide good, positive role models in their approach to all issues relating to equality of opportunity.
- We endeavour to meet all pupils’ learning needs through ongoing assessments to inform provision and planning.
- The school provides an environment in which all pupils have equal access to all facilities and resources and ensure that they are supported to access these facilities and adaptations are made where needed.
- Consideration is given to the physical learning environment to ensure equity– both internal and external, including displays and signage.
At the Willow Tree Federation we implement a clear and effective relationships for behaviour policy that focuses on positive behaviour reinforcement.
At Willow Lane CP School, we aim to ensure that:
- Planning reflects our commitment to equality in all areas of the curriculum;
- Steps are taken to ensure that all pupils have equitable access to the curriculum by taking into account their cultural, backgrounds, linguistic needs and learning styles;
Resources and Materials
The provision of good quality resources and materials within our school is a high priority.
These resources should:
- Reflect the reality of an ethnically, culturally and sexually diverse society;
- Show positive images of males and females in society;
- Include non-stereotypical images of all groups in a global context;
- Be accessible to all members of the school community.
We recognise that it is important that all members of the school community use appropriate language which:
- Does not transmit or confirm stereotypes;
- Does not offend;
- Creates and enhances positive images of particular groups identified at the beginning of this document;
- Creates the conditions for all people to develop their self-esteem;
- Uses accurate language in referring to particular groups or individuals and challenge in instances where this is not the case.
Staffing and Staff Development
- We recognise the need for positive role models and distribution of responsibility among staff.
- We encourage the career development and aspirations of all school staff.
- It is our policy to provide staff with training and development, which will increase awareness of the needs of different groups of pupils.
Staff Recruitment
- All those involved in recruitment and selection are trained and aware of what they should do to avoid discrimination and ensure equality good practice through the recruitment and selection process.
- Equalities policies and practices are covered in all staff inductions.
- Employment policy and procedures are reviewed regularly to check conformity with legislation and impact.
- Partnerships with Parents/Carers/Families and the Wider Community
We will work with parents/carers to help all pupils to achieve their potential. - All parents/carers are encouraged to participate in the full life of the school.
- Members of the local community are encouraged to join in school activities and the Willow Tree Federation has a role to play in supporting new and settled communities of the school.
It is our aim that the Governing Body is reflective of our school community.
We encourage this through the appointment procedures and committees of our Governing Body.
Our Current Equal Opportunity Improvement Objective:
To develop further the cultural capital of our children through knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the children in school.
Background Evidence
The majority of our children come from a White British background and live in an area of low deprivation. Their understanding of other cultures is limited due to their experiences.
Measurable Success Indicators
- Cultures embedded throughout the curriculum and access to books/ resources
- Children’s understanding of key events in other cultures increased
- Celebration of children’s cultures in school
Continued through until the end of 2024-25 academic year.
Cost of activities and resources
Cost of time
Cost of equipment