Year 5
A warm welcome to Indigo Class! We have such an amazing year planned with a wide range of exciting learning, amazing experiences, visits and events as well as building and developing core skills. Please take the time to look at the information on this page, which includes our Indigo Class teaching staff, our termly newsletter, and links for home learning. If you ever have any questions or want to talk about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can either catch me at the end of the day for a quick chat or call the school office to arrange a meeting.
Many thanks, Mr Heap
Year 5 Staff
Class Teacher: Jack Heap
Teaching Assistant: Becky Markham
Teaching Assistant: Helen Powel (AM)
Teaching Assistant: Suni Arputharaj (Tues, Thurs)
Class Information
- Reading: Please share books and listen to your child read their school book at least 4 times a week (this can be for as little as 15 minutes at a time). Frequent opportunities to read and talk about books, with lots of praise and enthusiasm, is key to further developing your child’s reading.
- Bug Club: Children may also choose to read at home by logging into Bug Club here. This is a fantastic resource provided by the school with a wide range of appropriate and engaging reading material available. This should be used alongside your child’s home reading book.
- Spelling: Your child will receive a list of about 5 – 10 spellings each week. Please encourage your child to explore and practise these words at home to support them in becoming fluent writers.
- Maths: Download the 1-Minute Maths app here. It is a free app from White Rose Maths and supports the learning we do in school. This app is excellent for helping children to develop quick recall of essential maths facts. Again, 2 or 3 minutes a few times a week will make a really positive difference to your child’s progress in mathematics.
- Times Table Rock Stars: Log in to Times Tables Rock Stars here or download the free app. This is a great resource provided by the school to help children grasp the essential multiplication and division facts needed to keep making good progress in mathematics. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables for a few minutes at least 4 times a week.
Year 5 Curriculum and Learning Resources
In this Section