Who are the most important people in a school? The children of course and they are central to everything we do at Willow Lane. They are happy, confident, aspirational, creative and enjoy their learning. They are encouraged to learn to the best of their abilities and we also want them to have fun along the way – to understand nature by growing vegetables and exploring our wildlife area, to develop confidence through teamwork and singing, to enjoy sport and the camaraderie it brings and to learn positive human values by caring for each other and helping the community we are proud to serve.
Children’s journeys with us are centred around the three premises of ‘teaching to the heart’ – creatively, emotionally and physically. Firstly, we know that children learn best when they are emotionally engaged and look for creative links wherever possible. Secondly, although we can’t predict the knowledge that the next generation will need, we know that positive human values will always have a place. Finally, we want our children to make healthy lifestyle choices through growing and eating fresh fruit and vegetables as well as laying the foundations of playing sport for life.
Visitors to our school often remark on the exciting range of learning, the creativity captured in our celebratory displays and the calm, caring and confident children they meet in our classes, halls and sports fields.
We hope that you find the information you are looking for on our website and invite you to visit our school to truly appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Ms Lucy Naylor